"Diary of a Chance Encounter"

By: Greg W Ruoff

There was once a man who told me 'take it to the top
Spread the word like disease and don't ever stop.
There's only one way to make change...you got the power'
I sat there and listened to him for like an hour
It wasn't every day I was on the same page as another
But I felt the vibe with him, my brother.
Age was no matter...we wanted the same things
What love, peace, unity...what it brings.
It could never happen is what I used to believe
until exploring wisdom's gift that I received
on that night in '95, I thought I'd never survive
but was given second chance to stay alive
and push on, sharing the truths I now see...
the only real means, the only way to be free.
I wanted to hug this guy cuz he related
to the struggles and desires that I boldly stated
as I sat there at the bar, high on the stool.
Quickly he discovered, I wasn't a fool
just a man like him, living each day
looking around, finding a way
to make the best of a relatively bad situation...
looking to the Spirit to guide us through His creation.
And like a river, keep moving along
this is why I write this, this is our song.*
Posted on 11:44 PM by The Angel Eye and filed under | 0 Comments »


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